Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Video, video and more video!
A lot of the tutors did not want me to talk to learners until they had finished their exams, at which point many of them are no longer attending College, so this has proved to be particularly problematic.
The tutor interviews have been more successful and I feel that I have more to work with in the final report. I have decided to edit them into smaller bite size pieces, which will focus on specific uses of the technology (e.g. using Assignments, Quizzes) rather than an amorphous mass of everything they did. This will be easier for me to analyse and will make for easier viewing for others.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Mahara ePortfolios
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Changes to interview plans
I am also going to speak to learners and tutors from other curriculum areas who have used other tools to get a wider range of feedback and not the IT Diploma learners as I had previously intended to do.
Monday, June 14, 2010
14th June 2010
I am looking forward to being able to get some positive feedback on the use of Mahara with this group of learners - watch this space!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Preparing for final interviews
I have arranged to go into both the Higher and Advanced IT Diploma group classes in the next couple of weeks to get volunteers for interviews. I hope that they will volunteer to be interviewed, but if not, the plan is to offer them a store card (value £20) as an incentive, but this is really a last resort. Following the last JISC event, I had received suggestions of incentives that I could offer. One suggestion was to offer printer credits, which with another group would be useful, but these groups of learners do not need to print out their work for either assessment by tutors or final submissions for the course, so not practical in this instance.
Friday, May 28, 2010
May 2010
Following the meeting with the creative media diploma tutors and our school contact, I arranged for two members of staff from the school to have access to the learners PDPs as agreed and provided instructions for logging in. I have been checking to see if anybody has looked at the PDPs, and to date they have not even logged in to the course. This is very disappointing as the school liaison was keen to participate and had expressed a special interest in being able to see the learners attendance and punctuality information, rather than waiting for register information to be sent to the school.
They had also agreed that the learners would be able to access a chat room, in the course, on the Learner portal during their IT sessions when at school. This has not happened and Nik, the course tutor, has spent several Thursday afternoons waiting for somebody to join him in the chat room! I spoke to some of the learners to find out why they were not accessing the chat room and they said that their school teachers needed them to spend the time on their Functional Skills. We have a meeting arranged in early June which will be an opportunity to ask why the school contacts did not access the Learner Portal.