Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Video, video and more video!

I have spent the last two weeks video interviewing tutors and learners and editing the footage. This is proving to be very time consuming, especially where the learners are concerned. On Monday I waited around for an hour to talk to learners from the Creative Media class. They were meant to meet me at 3.30, but the tutor decided to let them watch a film as it was the end of term, so I finally got to see them at 4.20, by which time they wanted to leave. I managed to get 10 minutes of their time.

A lot of the tutors did not want me to talk to learners until they had finished their exams, at which point many of them are no longer attending College, so this has proved to be particularly problematic.

The tutor interviews have been more successful and I feel that I have more to work with in the final report. I have decided to edit them into smaller bite size pieces, which will focus on specific uses of the technology (e.g. using Assignments, Quizzes) rather than an amorphous mass of everything they did. This will be easier for me to analyse and will make for easier viewing for others.

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