Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Changes to plan

Just when I thought I had finished my evaluation plan, I have been informed that there has been a small change to the project outcomes. Fortunately my middle names are flexible and adaptable.

1 comment:

  1. These are now the final project outcomes:

    Learners work is submitted electronically using Moodle and Mahara from a variety of locations.
    Tutors assess work electronically using Moodle and Mahara and provide effective and timely feedback.

    Learners will have access to a wider and more varied range of course materials including streaming video and podcasts

    Learners are able to access support from EST staff eg help with practical or personal issues, career advice, additional learning needs and access course support from their tutors by using online communications.

    Tutors, learners and support staff will have access to the ULCC PLP at any time from any location and will use this to collaborate on goal setting and reviewing progress.

    Learners will be able to use an e-Portfolio to showcase and receive feedback on elements of their work from school and College tutors and employers.

    External stakeholders will have the facilities to become actively involved and contribute to the shape and delivery of the curriculum.
    Learners will be informed about events and activities and contribute to polls and discussion forums relating to these.

    The project team will have a clear idea of how processes and practices developed from the use of the different technologies, the effectiveness of the different learning resources, the impact of the personalised communication practices and the linking of the different applications can be used to inform curriculum delivery in other areas of the College.
