Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Meeting the students

I have been trying to arrange focus groups with both ICT Diploma groups without much success. In both groups the students are very reluctant to put themselves forward, so much so that in the Higher Diploma class only one student is currently willing to attend - not sure that they can be a group of one! Added to this they are beginning to enter the controlled assessment phase of the course and time is getting very tight.

I therefore thought I would go into the class this morning to meet the whole class and ask them my questions whilst their tutor set up their PCs for the assessment - my thinking here was that if I met them all together they would be less reticent. Hmm - how wrong could I be. They were unwilling to be videoed and getting them to respond to my questions was like pulling teeth. One or two of the group had a few things to say, but for the most part, responses were monosyllabic and not particularly illuminating. I was hoping that following this morning session, I could encourage a couple more of the group to join in a focus group, but they are still unwilling.

I have since spoken to the tutor, who informs me that they were quiet because they were nervous about starting the controlled assessment so maybe there is hope yet. I still have to get them to complete a questionnaire, so hopefully this will provide better feedback.

I have a similar session with the Advanced Diploma group on Thursday - this time I am going to try to engage the group by using the voting buttons. Watch this space.

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